Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry

Peer-review scholarly journal.


  • Rakhim Nagangaliuly Uteyev

Founder & Publisher


The aim of this peer-review scientific journal is to highlight problems and issues in the development of the oil and gas industry, it publish articles on effective technologies, innovations, scientific and technical solutions in the oil and gas industry.

The journal allows specialists to quickly receive information about new theoretical and applied research, provides an opportunity for dialogue between production workers, specialists and scientists of the oil and gas industry with the general public, as well as the opportunity to disseminate experience of innovations, scientific and technical solutions for the oil and gas industry, employees of the oil and gas industry of all countries and accepts for publication scientific reviews, research results and brief messages on new scientific research and achievements in practice.

The audience of the journal includes specialists from the oil and gas industry, researchers, students, postgraduates and undergraduates, and educational staff.

The objective of the journal is to provide the scientific community, industrial enterprises, undergraduate and graduate students, and business representatives with the results of scientific research and applied developments in the main areas of the Oil & Gas industry such as:

  • hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration,
  • oil and gas field development and operation,
  • mathematical modeling of geological reservoir structure and filtration processes,
  • oil and gas production engineering and technology,
  • well product treatment,
  • physical and chemical oil increase methods,
  • ecology and economics.

Types of accepted articles

  • Reviews
  • Systematic reviews and metaanalysis
  • Original researches
  • Technical Reports
  • Datasets
  • Short communications
  • Letters to the editor
  • Editorials

Publication & Distribution

  • Quarterly, 4 issues per year.
  • Platinum Open Access (no Article Processing Charges fom authors)
  • Under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Current Issue

Vol 6, No 3 (2024)

Original studies

Experience of fracturing development of carbonate formations at Group of Companies Gazprom Neft
Pichugin M., Churakov A., Kryazhev A., Dotkov Y.

Rationale. The development of carbonate formations by hydraulic fracturing is a very interesting and ambiguous process. Unlike terrigenous objects, reservoir stimulation can be performed by both acid and proppant fracturing methods, and the abundance of technological branches expand the selection options even more. Despite the fact that there is a general concept of choosing hydraulic fracturing technology depending on the geological and physical characteristics of the object, the qualitative choice is complicated by the fact that solutions that produce results at one layer could not show the same efficiency in similar conditions at another formation. Therefore, it is important, from the point of view of working with carbonates, to have as much experience as possible in various well conditions in order to minimize production risks and costs associated with the choice of approach and stimulation technology.

Target: The article shows a technological overview of effective fracturing solutions for carbonate formations, directed to understanding their features and applicability depending on well's and geological conditions. Authors appoint an important place to vision of experience of using stimulation technologies that have found a place and proven themselves at carbonate formations in Gazprom Neft, show the risks and limitations that can be encountered when choosing a particular solution.

Materials and methods: Described an experience in hydraulic fracturing and multistage fracturing, technologies, approaches and their features in depending on geological conditions of carbonate formations.

Results: The article shows the actual experience of using hydraulic fracturing technologies at carbonate formations, their comparative effectiveness, and the most successful practices based on the actual experience of the work performed. Much attention is paid to comparing the effectiveness of acid fracturing, acid-proppant fracturing and variations of fracturing on gelled acid.

Conclusion: The work results given not only an idea of the technological diversity of the types of stimulation of carbonate formations, but also show their comparative effectiveness in geological and physical conditions of the reservoir. Described experience can help in choosing more effective solutions for development of similar formations, reduce risks at early stages of preparation for fracturing and helps in determining the choice of stimulation technology, thereby improving the quality and efficiency of fields development.

Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry. 2024;6(3):
Maksut D., Bidzhieva S., Bissenova M., Ayapbergenov Y., Sabaldash V.

Background: Today, the oil industry is one of the main sources of environmental problems in Western Kazakhstan. Therefore, cleaning soils from oil contamination becomes extremely important.

Aim: The study is aimed at searching and isolating highly effective hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria, which are native to highly mineralized soils of the Uzen oil field.

Materials and methods: The work uses microbiological methods for cultivating bacteria, as well as chemical (composition of water) and analytical (IR spectrometry) methods.

Results: 4 enrichment cultures of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria were obtained, 3 pure cultures of oil-oxidizing bacteria were isolated. Their hydrocarbon-oxidizing efficiency has been studied.

Conclusion: In this work, active enrichment cultures of halophilic and moderately thermophilic hydrocarbons were obtained, characterized by high biotechnological potential, capable of oxidizing a wide range of hydrocarbons, including high-molecular polycyclic and sulfur-containing compounds, as well as new strains of halophilic hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria, the potential of which will be studied in further work. 

Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry. 2024;6(3):
Zholdybayeva A., Ibrayev A.Y., Ibrayev A.Y.


Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry. 2024;6(3):
Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Parameters of Natural, Industrial Recycled Water and Its Treatment
Бойко Г., Sarmurzina R.G., Lyubchenko N.P., Балтабекова Ж., Тастамбек К.Т., Kenyaikin P.V., Taubatyrova A.

Aim   Under conditions of anthropogenic impact, the chemical composition of water in surface rivers and groundwater bodies is subjected to pollution, which results in not only a decrease in water quality, but also an increase in the number of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria. This work analyzes the chemical and microbiological composition of natural water, as well as recycled water.  The purpose of this work is to study physicochemical and microbiological parameters of natural, industrial recycled water and treatment with new generation coagulants based on activated aluminum alloys with the content of metal-activators from 0.5 to 1.0 wt%.

Matherials and Methods As natural waters were analyzed: natural waters from water intake "Almaty SU", tract "Medeu", from the well of pilot metallurgical production (PMP) of the Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation (IMOB), the river Zhaiyk (Ural). As recycled water was analyzed water sampled from the water treatment unit of deep oil refining production (WTU of PDOR)

Aluminum polyoxychlorides (PAC) were obtained by interaction of aluminum activated by metal-activators (indium, gallium, tin) in the amount of 0.5-1.0 weight % each with 3% hydrochloric acid.  Quality parameters - mass fraction of AI in terms of Al2O3 33,2-36,9%, basicity 56-67%, corresponded to GB 15892-2009 standard.

Water samples were taken according to state standard No59024-2020, were evaluated by organoleptic (smell, taste, color), physical (turbidity, pH, conductivity, permanganate oxidation), chemical parameters (total salt content, the content of anions - hydrocarbonates, sulfates, chlorides) in accordance with the sanitary rules, approved by Order of the Minister of Health Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 20, 2023 № 26 and ISO5667.

Water treatment methodology: a certain amount of PAC was injected into 500 ml of test water while intensely stirring, after 3 minutes the speed was reduced to 50 rpm for 15 minutes, and was allowed to stand for 30 minutes afterwards.

Permanganate index (PI) was determined according to ISO 8467:1993.

Turbidity was measured directly using a HACH 2100Q Turbidimeter (EPA)and 2100Qis Turbidimeter (USA). Cell morphology of microorganism cultures was studied by light microscopy using a MicroOptix MX-1150 (T) stereoscopic-соtrinocular microscope (magnification 1250)  

Conclusion An effective and technologically simple method for producing aluminum polyoxychloride (PAC) was developed, which involves dissolving activated aluminum alloy containing 1.5 to 3.0 wt.% of an activating additive (indium, gallium, tin) in 3% hydrochloric acid.

Changing the alloy composition and reaction conditions makes it possible to adjust the properties of РAC (мass fraction of aluminum in terms of Al2O3 is from 33.2 to 41.0%, basicity - from 55.1 to 66.5%). Natural and recycled waters were treated with synthesized PAC to the requirements established by the regulatory documents for drinking water and recycled water. The investigated parameters included turbidity, permanganate index, microbiological composition in samples treated with PAC. The effectiveness of reducing turbidity in domestic and drinking water reaches 90 - 99%. The permanganate index of natural water is reduced by 93%. Synthesized PAC exhibits bactericidal properties tested on water sampled from Medeu tract.

Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry. 2024;6(3):
Yerlepessov M.U., Zaytsev O.I., Yermekov A.A., Amirov S.K., Urbisinov Z.S.

Goal. The purpose of the work was the need to evaluate the functionality and effectiveness of using a dynamic multiphase flow simulator to solve problems related to the transport of borehole fluid with the presence of solid particles.
Materials and methods. Mathematical simulation of a multiphase flow in a specialized software package.
Results. Dynamic modeling has been performed for various particle diameter variants, followed by determination of the required flow velocity to prevent sediment formation.
Conclusion. The program is applicable for the implementation of simulation modeling in the formation of technical solutions in order to minimize the risks of operating linear ground infrastructure facilities.

Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry. 2024;6(3):
Imanbayev Y., Ongarbayev Y., Myltykbaeva Z., Serikkazinova A., Malayev A., Muktaly D., Tileuberdi Y., Ayapbergenov Y.

Introduction. Nowadays there are few works in the country on obtaining targeted products from bituminous sands. Among them, scientific works on the method of separation using ultrasound irradiation can be classified as non-traditional technologies. This method has many advantages, in particular energy and water saving, high production in a short time and allows to create a mobile unit installation. Determining the necessary frequency and power depending on the research object of ultrasound technology are the main process parameters. The first scientific studies on the extraction of bitumen from bituminous sands using ultrasound have been carried out since the 1990s. The results of the work showed that in an alkaline solution ultrasonic cavitation of bituminous sands, the degree of bitumen extraction increases. The purpose of the work. To fill the deficit of bitumen in Kazakhstan, study the influence of ultrasonic technology on the extraction of bitumen from bituminous sands and determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the obtaining product. Research results. A distinctive feature of the bituminous sands chosen as the object of study is that the bituminous sands come to the surface and are located in open areas. Long-term exposure to the atmosphere led to the loss of light fractions, and the heavy components of bitumen were subjected to oxidation processes under the influence of various technogenic factors. These processes led to the formation of heavy oils and hard bitumens of complex composition. Visual analysis of a bituminous sands sample shows a rich black color with a bituminous sheen. As a result of the study of the influence of ultrasonic technology on the extraction of bitumen from bituminous sands the physical-chemical characteristics of obtained bitumen were studied. During the testing of this technology, the optimal parameters of the process were determined depending on the object of research. According to the results of the study, it was found that the clay compounds present in the bituminous sands have a direct impact on the process of determining the power of ultrasound. Conclusion. Ultrasound technology has been shown to be a promising and industrially applicable technology for extracting bitumen from bituminous sands.

Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry. 2024;6(3):


Geomechanical modeling aspects in support of hydraulic fracturing operations
Iastrebov P.V., Prodan A.S., Rodionov V.V., Ugryumov A.S.

This paper describes the main aspects and nuances of geomechanical modeling that must be taken into account when supporting hydraulic fracturing operations and engineering support of projects. A feature of geomechanical modeling for hydraulic fractures aims or self-induced fracturing in mature fields is, first of all, the reservoir pressure estimation, in particular in the vicinity of production and injection wells. In addition, this significantly affects the stress anisotropy, which is the main factor influencing the geometry of the hydraulic fracture and the induced stress field around it. It should also be noted the importance of monitoring geomechanical core studies, quality control of samples and correct processing of research results, since the profiles of elastic-strength properties and stresses depend on this. Current paper also pays attention to fracturing: its measurement, calculations and prediction of its orientation in space and intensity.

Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry. 2024;6(3):
Assylbayeva A.

Additional study of field structures to identify new areas and determine the oil potential by assessing the prospects of the marginal parts of the fields identified by VRS MOGT-3D. The expected results are important in increasing hydrocarbon potential. Oil and gas prospects are associated with fairly well studied and developed Jurassic deposits in Southern Mangyshlak, the potential of which is far from being exhausted, as evidenced by underexplored uplifts.

Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry. 2024;6(3):
Conditions for the formation and preservation of petroleum systems at large (>6,000m) depths
Khafizov S., Kuandykov B.M., Syngaevsky P.E.

For forty years history the concept of so-called hydrocarbon systems (petroleum system or PEST) has been well developed, a significant amount of factual data has been accumulated. However, with the beginning of the development of ultra-large depths (more than 6,000 m, although at present this limit has already dropped to 8,000 m), it turned out that many processes proceed somewhat differently, and that some a priori assumptions cease to be relevant.
The article deals with the issues of features of forming and conditions of preservation of hydrocarbon systems (HC systems) when diving to super-large depths. Particular attention is paid to the numerous examples collected over the past decades of hydrocarbons accumulations in the liquid phase with a significant excess of the upper "classical" threshold of reservoir temperatures, at which, as it was assumed, the transformation of liquid hydrocarbons into gaseous ones should occur.

Kazakhstan journal for oil & gas industry. 2024;6(3):

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