Increasing the efficiency of the development of carbonate collectors by horizontal well systems

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Reservoir development of fractured reservoirs is an essential problem. 90% of oil reserves in the fields of Kazmunaigas is concentrated in fractured reservoirs. Due to the double porosity, the development of such collectors is less effective by standard methods, therefore application of the new approaches is extremely vital. This article presents a method for developing pore-fractured reservoirs with a horizontal well system. To implement this method, 3D simulation model was build and respective calculations were performed. As a result, the horizontal well system has shown its efficiency compared to the development of fractured reservoirs by vertical wells.

About the authors

Bakhytzhan K. Khasanov

LLP "KMG Engineering"

Author for correspondence.

general manager

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Akzhan K. Kasenov

LLP "KMG Engineering"


Cand. tech. Sci., Director of the Department of Hydrodynamic Modeling

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Marlen S. Musaev

LLP "KMG Engineering"


Master of Engineering Sci., Senior Engineer, Department of Hydrodynamic Modeling

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Zhalgas M. Serniyazov

LLP "KMG Engineering"


Master of Engineering Sci., Leading Engineer, Department of Hydrodynamic Modeling


Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan


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Copyright (c) 2020 Khasanov B.K., Kasenov A.K., Musaev M.S., Serniyazov Z.M.

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