
Analysis of the steam-thermal treatment at the Karazhanbas field
Қozhash A.S.
Fingerprinting and biomarker analysis of oil from Akshabulak group for determining oil types
Seitkhaziyev Y.S., Uteyev R.N., Mustafaev M.K., Liu S., Sәrsenbekov N.D., Dosmukhambetov A.K.
Evaluation and scientific justification of polymer flooding application in the Uzen oilfield
Imanbayev B.A., Sagyndikov M.S., Kushekov R.M., Tajibayev M.O.
Lithological and facial features of organogenic structures of the second carbonate stratum of the eastern flang of the Pre-Caspian depression on Zharkamys uplift
Каn A.N., Akhmetshina L.Z.
Testing of a hydrodynamic chemical flooding simulator by comparing the results of polymer flooding simulation with similar results of existing simulators
Kuchikov A.G., Kudaibergenov S.Z., Bekbauov B.E.
Overview of assessment methods for the effectiveness of geological and technical measures in oil and gas production
Zhanturin Z.K., Arystanaliev Y.U., Zaidemova Z.K., Medetov S.M., Abishev M.N.
Estimation of the efficiency of the cyclic steam simulation with high viscosity oil wells based on the hydrodynamic model of the East Moldabek deposit, Kenbai field
Zholdybayeva A.T., Shishkin V.V., Khazhitov V.Z., Niyazbayeva A.B., Sidorov D.A., Kurmankulov A.T.
Effect of steam quality on the oil recovery factor of the Karazhanbas field
Aydarbayev Z.S., Khassanov D.K.
Study of biotechnological potential of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria from oil-contaminated soils of the Uzen oil field
Maksut D.M., Bidzhieva S.K., Bissenova M.A., Ayapbergenov Y.O., Sabaldash V.V.
Increased oil recovery through the use of combined technology
Mamalov E.N., Gorshkova E.V.
Alternative Methods of thermal Oil Recovery: A Review
Kairgeldina L.K., Sarsenbekuly B.
The results of single well chemical tracer tests to assess the effectiveness of surfactant-polymer exposure at the Kholmogorskoye field
Bondar M.Y., Osipov A.V., Groman A.A., Koltsov I.N., Scherbakov G.Y., Chebysheva O.V.
The experience of implementation of polymer flooding technology at Zaburunye oil filed as a method for developing mature fields
Mussayev M.S., Musharova D.A., Zhappasbayev B.Z., Orynbassar Y.K.
Prospects for the use of flow diverter technologies at the Alibekmola oil field
Musharova D.A.
Hydraulic fracturing using high-boiling fraction of oil as a fracturing fluid
Mashrapova M.A., Tileuberdi N., Abdeli D.Z., Ozdoyev S.M., Iskak A.S.
Progress of polymer microspheres for profile control in oil field
Shagymgereeva S., Sarsenbekuly B., Kang W., Yang H., Turtabayev S.
Research of the impact of switching to low- salinity water during polymer water flooding
ABIROV Z.Z., Abirov R., Sahuc B., Gil L., Divers T.
Approbation of methods for determining the coefficient of the difference in the physical properties of oil and and displacing agent
Zhaikanov A.B., Zhubaniyazov S.K., Sagyndikov M.S.
An integrated methodological approach to substantiating the properties of high-viscosity oils using the example of the Karazhanbas oil field
Uteev R.N., Kunzharikova K.M., Bisikenova L.M., Bektas G.Z.
Development of a compositional reservoir simulator for chemical enhanced oil recovery processes
Bekbauov B.E., Temirkas M.M., Kuchikov A.G.
Justification for application of in-situ combustion method at high-viscosity oil fields
Tokarev V.I., Akhmet A.A., Garifov A.K.
Increasing the flooding efficiency at Karazhanbas field
Kulikov A.N., Yukui F., Kadyrov E.A., Turkov V.O.
About flooding of low-permeable formations
Bersenev S.F., Badamshina G.N., Evlampiev Y.V., Emchenko O.V., Mullagalin I.Z.
Study of the applicability of foam for steam conformance control to conditions of the Karazhanbas field
Yessetzhanov A.A., Zhailybay A.K., Sayenko O.B., Sagyndikov M.S.
Prospects for the use of energy-accumulating substances in solving environmental problems in the oil industry
Boiko G.I., Sarmurzina R.G., Galieva N.P., Karabalin U.S., Tiessov D.S., Akhanova T.R., Kenyaikin P.V.
Tectonic zoning of paleozoids of Kazakhstan and its oil and gas-bearing regions
Korobkin V.V., Chaklikov A.Y., Tulemissova Z.S.
Geotechnological regulation of the development of oil fields with hard-to-recover reserves
Sultanov S.K., Malyarenko A.M.
Features of the structural and tectonic development of the Alakol region in connection with the prospect of its oil and gas potential
Sanatbekov M.E.
Features of isolation and nature of low-resistivity oil-saturated reservoirs of the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Akshabulak Central field of the South Torgai oil and gas basin
Dzhumagaliyeva A.K., Nyssangaliyeva S.O., Akhmetov D.A., Sagindykov K.I., Mardanov A.S., Jaxylykov T.S., Murzagaliyeva Z.S.
Oil and gas bearing complexes of the pre jurassic deposits of Southern Mangistau and their characteristics
Boranbayev K.K., Boranbayev A.K.
Application of microfluidics to optimize oil and gas field development technologies
Pereponov D., Scerbacova A., Kazaku V., Hajiyev M., Tarkhov M.A., Shilov E., Cheremisin A.
Formation and Preservation conditions of ultra-deep (>6000 m) hydrocarbon systems
Khafizov S.F., Kuandykov B.M., Syngaevsky P.E.
The methods for evaluating the efficiency of EOR by SWCTT & PITT tracer tests
Keller Y.A., Uskov A.A.
Net environmental benefit analysis as an instrument for applied decisions
Kulekeyev Z.A., Nurtayeva G.G.
Forecasting oil and gas saturation of the section based on the results of seismic survey interpretation using innovative methods on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Амельченко N.V., Sobolev D.M., Kotov V.P., Kaliev S.M.
Synthetic polyampholytes based on acrylamide derivatives – new polymer for enhanced oil recovery
Gussenov I.S., Shakhvorostov A.V., Mukhametgazy N., Kudaibergenov S.E.
Study of tertiary methods for enhancing oil recovery in carbonate reservoir fields
Zholdybayeva A.T., Pokhilyuk M.V., Kunzharikova K.M.
Efficiency of horizontal wells in fields with highly viscous oil on the example of Tengri field
Mardanov A.S., Yussubaliev R.A., Yergaliyev A.A., Rakhmetullin A.M.
Application of simulation to optimize the oil-gathering system of the “N” oil field
Yermekov A.A., Baspayeva A.T., Amirov S.K.
Application of biomarkers and oil fingerprinting for genetic classification of oil families and prediction of oil migration pathways in Nuraly field
Seitkhaziyev Y.S., Uteyev R.N., Mustafaev M.K., Liu S., Sarsenbekov N.D., Dosmukhambetov A.K., Dzhumabayev T.Y.
Study of the rheological characteristics of high-viscosity oil from Mangyshlak
Sayenko O.B., Serkebayeva B.S., Ayapbergenov Y.O.
Determination of uniform criteria for the applicability of technologies for enhanced oil recovery methods and development of a tool for screening these technologies
Musharova D.A., Zhappasbayev B.Z., Orynbassar E.K.
Evaluation of the applicability of cyclic steam stimulation method at cretaceous deposits of Kenbai field
Shakenuly M., Zhiyengaliyev B.Y., Kustanov M.S., Garifov A.K., Dauletov A.S.
Fundamental reasons for Exxonmobil’s expulsion from the Dow Jones industrial average on aug 31, 2020: lessons and implications for the global oil market and Kazakhstan
Kulekeev Z.A., Pak Y.A.
Automated methodology for calculating key production indicators of oil field development for business planning model
Zholdybayeva A.T., Ibrayev A.Y.
A pragmatic approach to polymer flooding to accelerate field implementation
Thomas A.
Aquathermolysis of high-viscosity oil terrigenic sediments in the presence of iron oxide (II, III)
Vakhin A.V., Sitnov S.A., Mukhamatdinov I.I.
Development of nondrained oil reserves at the Zhetybay field
Tlegenov B.B., Shishkin V.V., Turtaev B.T., Ozhiken A.K., Kubekbaev E.I., Bakieva A.B., Chernov S.O., Machekhin D.S.
Improving the quality of recycled water by pulsed electromagnetic treatment
Ergozhin E.E., Chalov T.K., Kovrigina T.V., Melnikov Y.A., Khakimbolatova K.K.
Analysis of the efficiency of horizontal wells operation at the field “X” of Embamunaigas JSC
Maylybayev A.S., Uteyev R.N., Jaxylykov T.S., Bektas A.A., Niyazbaeva A.B.
Second stage of geological exploration works. Description of complex non-traditional hydrocarbon traps
Mankenov K.K.
Comparative tests of fly ash powder as solid demulsifiers
Mysakhanov M.A., Zhakypov A.S., Bakhadur A.M., Khan N.V., Erlanuly E., Gabdullin M.T.
High-viscosity oil properties of the East Moldabek field
Hasanov B.K., Guzhikov P.A., Kunzharikova K.M., Dukesov N.K., Kokymbaeva G.Z.
On the deposition of ballasts in mixtures of incompatible oils
Ismayilov G.G., Iskenderov E.K., Ismayilova F.B.
Hydrocarbon exploration method based on basin modeling
Begimbetov O.B., Taubassova M.K.
Optimal well spacing density in channel sandstones in the case of Ozen field
Sveshnikov A.V., Kasenov A.K., Zholdybayeva A.T., Ibrayev A.Y.
Hydrocarbon potential of the Kobylandy-Tamdy upfold of the northern edge of Pricaspian basin
Abilkhasimov K.B.
Localization of oil slicks and controlled burning at spill areas
Kulekeev Z.A., Nurtayeva G.K., Zharikesov G.A.
Applying geological and mathematical modeling to predict fluid influx in horizontal wells (the case of Kalamkas oil field)
Nugmanov B.H.
Effective EOR methods in high-viscosity oil fields: cyclical GEL-polymer flooding and ASP flooding
Safarov F.E., Lobanova S.Y., Yelubaev B.Y., Talamanov N.E., Zhijian S., Ismagilov T.A., Telin A.G.
Technology for increasing the oil recovery factor by reservoir stimulation by thermochemical methods
Ismailov S.Z., Abdullayev M.G., Ismayilov S.Z.
Comprehensive analysis for appraisal of oil and gas potential in the pre-jurassic part of the Ozen-Karamandybas field
Mankenov K.K.
Analysis of the efficiency of multizone selective completion for the operation of oil producing wells at the Zhetybai field
Utemissova L.G., Tlegenov B.B., Minikayev F.M.
Asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits of the western kazakhstan and compositions for their removal
Boyko G.I., Lyubchenko N.P., Aitkaliyeva G.S., Sarmurzina R.G., Karabalin U.S., Tiesov D.S., Bukaeva G.A.
Experience of application of multistage hydraulic fracturing technology in a cased vertical well
Asanov K.B.
Feasibility study for polymer flooding in a heavy oil reservoir
Sagyndikov M.S., Agleshov R.M., Saliyev N.B., Pangereeva S.S., Feng Y.
Isolation of reservoirs and assessment of saturation in cases of water encroachment
Shilanov N.S., Tleuzhanov A.Z.
Improvement of quality of recirculated water supply of oil refineries
Ergozhin E.E., Tskhay A.A., Chalov T.K., Kovrigina T.V., Melnikov Y.A.
Methodological approaches to justification of reservoir oil properties for estimation of reserves
Guzhikov P.A., Kunzharikova K.M., Uteubayeva Y.Y.
1 - 69 of 69 Items

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