Vol 2, No 4 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://vestnik-ngo.kz/2707-4226/issue/view/4360
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.54859/kjogi.202024
Full Issue
Ultra-deep oil: comparison of oil and gas bearing basins and prospects for exploration for ultra-deep deposits (Sichuan, Tarim, Permian, Canning and Precaspian basins)
The article reviews information on oil and gas bearing basins, where considerable experience has been accumulated in the geological study and development of the so-called ultra-deep oil and gas deposits (depths over 6000 m), on the geological structure, discoveries within the considered oil and gas basins, data on wells drilled to great depths, including test results, reservoir fluids reserves and properties.

Features of the structural and tectonic development of the Alakol region in connection with the prospect of its oil and gas potential
The article provides a brief analysis of the tectonic structure of the Alakol depression, which suggests a thrust overlap of oil and gas source strata in the ancient Alakol depression by the modern mountain system and expands the promising area for oil and gas exploration. The tectonic structure of the Alakol depression is characterized based on the Paleozoic surface map compiled from seismic data. Due to the poor knowledge of the oil and gas potential of sedimentary complexes of the Alakol depression, one can judge with some degree of conditionality about the prospects of their oil and gas potential. The high intensity of the tectonic regime that affected the structural and formation complexes is associated with horsts and grabens, which affected the lithological and paleogeographic conditions of rock formation.
Therefore, the scale of their oil potential is different and is determined by the type and concentration of organic matter. The scale of sea penetration and the existing lake-bog conditions of rock formation influencing the accumulated strata of the geological section with humic organic matter testifies to their prospects of oil and gas potential.

The role of seismic exploration and its impact on geology and field development
This paper presents a brief study of the presence and study of seismic material to study the geological structure of deposits and the natural state of hydrocarbon reserves within the Caspian, Ustyurt-Bachinsky and Mangyshlak basin. The research is based on the concept of studying hydrocarbon deposits by type by foreign companies, based on the structural and dynamic interpretation of seismic material on the example of Kazakhstan fields. Characteristic indicators of the concept are the selection of sedimentation conditions and the beginning of forecasting their distribution in areas where there is no well data, for the selection of sedimentation bodies, the presence of accumulation zones, as well as modern migration channels. The importance of studying seismic material with the help of dynamic interpretation of oil and gas fields in the Caspian basin was clearly demonstrated by earlier analyses of seismic material. Calculations, proofs, and experimental studies made it possible, based on the created conceptual model of the structure of hydrocarbon deposits, to justify the prospects for oil and gas potential and the feasibility of conducting geological exploration within these areas.

Comprehensive analysis for appraisal of oil and gas potential in the pre-jurassic part of the Ozen-Karamandybas field
Questions about the prospects for the oil and gas potential of the Paleozoic sediments of the Mangyshlak sedimentary basin remain open to this day, despite a long history of study and large volumes of research. This is primarily due to the imperfection of previously used prospecting and exploration technologies and the sufficiency of the discovered reserves of discovered deposits in the Mesozoic part of the section. Given the current situation of natural depletion of reserves in the Mesozoic sediments, there is a need to set up prospecting and exploration work in the deep horizons of the Paleozoic.
The article provides general information about the study of the region, and on the basis of the proven facts of oil and gas content of individual areas and the latest drilling results obtained, raised the question of the oil and gas potential of pre-Jurassic deposits.

Selection of effective solvents against asphalteneresin-paraffin deposition in the Uzen oilfield
Deposition of asphaltenes, resins and paraffins in underground well equipment has always been one of the major challenges in the production of highly paraffinic oil at the Uzen field. This problem still remains extremely urgent, and measures to combat these complications are quite costly.
Paraffin deposition processes in wells and field equipment complicate oil production and lead to oil losses, as well as accidents and equipment downtime. For these reasons, it becomes necessary to conduct a laboratory research on the selection of effective solvents against paraffin deposition and methods for their removal.

Development of nondrained oil reserves at the Zhetybay field
The article presents the results of a detailed study of the geological conditions of sedimentation that revealed significant residual reserves of the Yu-10 horizon, which had not been covered by the existing development system.
The presented work was carried out in the first quarter of 2020 jointly by specialists of KMG Engineering LLP and DeGolyer and MacNaughton during the study dedicated to localization of residual recoverable oil reserves and improvement of the development system of horizon 10 of the Zhetybai field.

Application of corrosion-resistant tubes on problematic producing wells of the Uzen field
In the Uzen field, the main causes of corrosion of underground equipment are the high watercut and the presence of acidic gases (Н2S and CO2) in the produced fluid. Corrosion of tubing leads to premature shutdown of wells, accidents and, as a result, reduction of oil production. The paper discusses the nature of the corrosive environment, as well as the extent, causes and conditions of the origin of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide corrosion. Results of laboratory studies of samples of steel grade 25 ChMFA after operation are given. A new approach to the problem of corrosion is being justified by conducting a pilot-industrial test of 25 ChMFA corrosionresistant steel tubing.

Improvement of the efficiency of repair and insulation works to limit water product from reservoir, using new technologies in Kalamkas oilfield
The paper presents an analysis of all repair and insulation works (squeeze jobs) carried out over the past 10 years at the Kalamkas field. The authors performed a comparison of the reagents used to limit water inflow, and based on the analysis prepared recommendations to improve the efficiency of repair and insulation works at the Kalamkas field.

Analysis of the efficiency of horizontal drilling in the fields of JSC «Embanumaygas»
One of the directions for increasing the recovery factor, effective development of uncovered reserves, as well as maintaining current production, is drilling horizontal wells (hereinafter referred to as HW). The paper considers and provides the analysis for all EMG fields that have current geologic and hydrodynamic models used to select and calculate the design horizontal well locations.
In the paper the authors defined the necessary conditions for increasing the efficiency of horizontal drilling, optimized the length of the horizontal section, analyzed well areas, examined the sector hydrodynamic models, carried out the factor analysis of actual flow rates and the analysis of the current operation of downhole pumping equipment, analyzed changes in the physical and chemical properties and the energy state of the horizontal well zones.

The future of hydrogen energy
The article discusses the fundamentals of hydrogen energy, the development of which has recently received great global attention both due to the limited nature of hydrocarbon reserves and the problem of increasing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere caused by the usage of carbon-containing fuels.
The authors consider both positive and negative aspects of hydrogen energy, as well as possible development directions, and present the prospects for the use of hydrogen fuel.