
Facies control of the reservoir properties distribution in the carbonate rocks of epicontinental platforms
Khalelova A.B.
Study of the pore structure and calculation of macroscopic characteristics of rocks based on X-ray microcomputed tomography images
Bolysbek D.A., Kulzhabekov A.B., Bekbau B.Y., Uzbekaliyev K.S.
On approaches to solving problems when modeling polymer flooding at the Kalamkas oil field
Muratova Z.M., Tuyakov N.K., Tajibayev M.O.
Geotechnological regulation of the development of oil fields with hard-to-recover reserves
Sultanov S.K., Malyarenko A.M.
Comparison of various approaches in numerical modeling of well stimulation methods
Terentiyev A.A., Durkin S.M., Pchela K.V.
The Effectiveness of the Introduction of the Water-Alternated-Gas Injection on the example of a Carbonate Field in Kazakhstan
Askarova I.A., Uteyev R.N., Mardanov A.S., Jaxylykov T.S., Junusbayeva A.U.
Optimal number of Monte-Carlo simulations for hydrocarbon resources probabilistic estimation
Sadykov R.M.
An Integrated Approach to Geomechanical Modeling of the Urikhtau Oil and Gas Condensate Field to Optimize Well Design
Gabdullin A.G., Tauashev R.Z., Gubashev S.A., Kairzhanov A.Y., Izmukhanbetov A.B., Blgaliyev R.N.
Integration of Thermo-, Hydrodynamic, and Kinetic Factors in the Mathematical Modeling of the Catalytic Reforming Process
Seitenova G.Z., Dyussova R.M., Zhamanova E.A., Sergeevs Y., Barashkova M.
Prospects for enhancing hydraulic fracturing efficiency through the use of advanced proppants in the Atyrau region fields
Bukharbayeva A.N., Assanov K.B., Bashev A.A., Jaksylykov T.S., Mardanov A.S.
Testing the functionality of OLGA software for determining optimal oil transport modes to prevent solid particle deposition
Yerlepessov M.U., Zaitsev O.I., Yermekov A.A., Amirov S.K., Urbisinov Z.S.
Hydrocarbon exploration method based on basin modeling
Begimbetov O.B., Taubassova M.K.
Perspectives of non-structural traps as a tool for increasing resources and expanding hydrocarbon production
Begimbetov O.B., Kaliyev D.T., Dauletov A.B.
Revising geological model for north flank of main production interval in oil field
Ialalov D.M., Romashov M.V., Oreshko I.V., Vorontsov I.P., Ibraev A.E.
Application of geomechanics in the construction of horizontal wells at the fields of Embamunaigas JSC
Romanenko P.S., Alekhin I.G., Ashimov K.B., Gubashev S.A.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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