
Experience in developing carbonate formations with hydraulic fracturing at fields of Gazprom Neft Group
Pichugin M.N., Churakov A.V., Kryazhev A.V., Dotkov Y.N.
Hydraulic fracturing using high-boiling fraction of oil as a fracturing fluid
Mashrapova M.A., Tileuberdi N., Abdeli D.Z., Ozdoyev S.M., Iskak A.S.
Geomechanical modeling aspects in support of hydraulic fracturing operations
Iastrebov P.V., Prodan A.S., Rodionov V.V., Ugryumov A.S.
Investigation of the potential of application Frac-Pack technology as a solution to the problem of sand control and increasing the production of high-viscosity oils at M field
Bukharbayeva A.N., Jaxylykov T.S., Assanov K.B.
Technical solutions for performing operations on RCP-proppant thermal fixing and thermoreagent impact on the bottomhole formation zones of production wells
Safarov F.E., Mamykin A.A., Vezhnin S.A., Thelin A.G.
Facies control of the reservoir properties distribution in the carbonate rocks of epicontinental platforms
Khalelova A.B.
Overview of assessment methods for the effectiveness of geological and technical measures in oil and gas production
Zhanturin Z.K., Arystanaliev Y.U., Zaidemova Z.K., Medetov S.M., Abishev M.N.
Comparison of various approaches in numerical modeling of well stimulation methods
Terentiyev A.A., Durkin S.M., Pchela K.V.
Study of tertiary methods for enhancing oil recovery in carbonate reservoir fields
Zholdybayeva A.T., Pokhilyuk M.V., Kunzharikova K.M.
Enhancing the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing in mature fields
Churakov A.V., Pichugin M.N., Gorbachev Y.I., Musin O.T., Kayukov K.A.
Application of microfluidics to optimize oil and gas field development technologies
Pereponov D., Scerbacova A., Kazaku V., Hajiyev M., Tarkhov M.A., Shilov E., Cheremisin A.
Prospects for enhancing hydraulic fracturing efficiency through the use of advanced proppants in the Atyrau region fields
Bukharbayeva A.N., Assanov K.B., Bashev A.A., Jaksylykov T.S., Mardanov A.S.
Experience of application of multistage hydraulic fracturing technology in a cased vertical well
Asanov K.B.
1 - 13 of 13 Items

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