Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://vestnik-ngo.kz/2707-4226/issue/view/4356
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.54859/kjogi.201911
Full Issue
Lithology and hydrocarbon potential of the paleozoic sediments of the North Caspian uplift (northern part of the Caspian sea, Kazakhstan)
The North Caspian uplift is located in the water area of the Caspian Sea and coincides with the area of articulation of the Caspian Depression and the Turan Plate. Drilling of wells proved the presence of a large carbonate platform in the North Caspian uplift composed of Middle Carboniferous deposits, which is similar in structure to the South Emba and Zhanazhol zones of the Caspian Depression. Carbonate deposits of the Lower Permian, formed in shallow-shelf, bioherm and slope facies were discovered in the North Caspian uplift.

Study of natural reservoir sedimentary environment at western flank of South Caspian depression
Based on the study of core material, the article proposes a new method for facies analysis of the section of the productive strata of Azerbaijan’s fields, as well as identifies facies variability direction of the “pereryv” formation. Methodological aspects of studying the structure of grains of deposits of the productive strata using a binocular microscope are considered. A 3D model of the spatial arrangement of the facies of the alluvial-delta genesis was constructed and their relationship with the structure of the South Caspian Depression was established, which makes it possible to correctly design wells both during prospecting and exploration drilling, and during field development.

Approach to localization of residual recoverable reserves under conditions of high depletion on the example of Uzen field
The relevance of the chosen topic is contingent on necessity to improve the quality of geotechnical jobs planning and forecasting of key performance indicators after a well intervention at a late stage of development, complicated by the difficulties of residual recoverable reserves localization due to the heterogeneity of geological properties of a field and the longterm impact of development on reservoir.

Applicability of limitative water-free production rate as case of field “B”
Developing a field underlayed by bottom water still remains one of the main issues in petroleum industry. Numerous articles have been devoted to this issue offering methods for calculating the maximum water-free production rate on such fields. The paper shows such production rate calculated for the field “B”. In this paper we also calculated maximum waterfree production rate with different initial reservoir parameters and identified the dependence of the maximum water-free production rate from formation exposure, permeability and viscosity. Based on these dependences we selected criteria that allow potential application of maximum water-free production rate.

Isolation of reservoirs and assessment of saturation in cases of water encroachment
At the moment, almost all Mangyshlak fields have depleted reserves and an increase in water cut in the product, at this stage of field development, the problem of estimating reservoir parameters is becoming relevant. The reasons are the texture-structural, facies and lithological-petrophysical features of reservoirs of productive horizons of the field. In the future, it is planned to take samples in all new wells in order to determine the component composition of water for a reliable assessment of the current oil saturation, as well as constructing a mineralization map by area and horizons and reinterpreting well logging materials, conducting perforating and blasting operations for all wells.

Feasibility study for polymer flooding in a heavy oil reservoir
Nowadays, a wide range of perforation methods and technologies are offered in the market of secondary opening in reservoir beds. Furthermore, many manufacturing companies are modernizing previously existing methods, one of which is hydromechanical piercing perforation - a relatively new method of opening the reservoir to obtain a hydrocarbon influx in a gentle mode without any deformation of the initial state of the walls of the production string and cement ring. The developers of this method note a number of advantages compared to other types of perforation. The article describes the operation principle of the oil and gas production and the resulting effect, approach and selection of wells for this method.

Methods of secondary opening of reservoir beds and analysis of nondamaging perforation
Nowadays, a wide range of perforation methods and technologies are offered in the market of secondary opening in reservoir beds. Furthermore, many manufacturing companies are modernizing previously existing methods, one of which is hydromechanical piercing perforation - a relatively new method of opening the reservoir to obtain a hydrocarbon influx in a gentle mode without any deformation of the initial state of the walls of the production string and cement ring. The developers of this method note a number of advantages compared to other types of perforation. The article describes the operation principle of the oil and gas production and the resulting effect, approach and selection of wells for this method.

Experience of application of multistage hydraulic fracturing technology in a cased vertical well
This article presents the results of the first multi-stage hydraulic fracturing in a vertical well at a field in the Aktobe region. The field has been developed from the very beginning as one development object. The total height of the deposits in some places reaches 400 m; accordingly, since the start of development, all productive formations were perforated through without segregation. Field trial carried out on a well with perforation with a total thickness of 182 m revealed 4 productive formations. In order to open all productive layers with fractures and involve them in the development, it was decided to use a 4 stage layout with a hydraulic fracturing sleeve system with a repeated opening / closing cycle. As a result, after multi-stage hydraulic fracturing using this technology, a 4-fold increase in oil production was obtained. In the future, it is planned to apply this method to other candidate wells.

Influence of electric fields on the quality of well cementing
This work is devoted to studying the degree of influence of the electric field on the deformation-strength and filtration characteristics of cement stone and the tightness of the annular space. that the electric field has a negative effect on the formation of cement stone and its contact with dividing boundaries. In laboratory conditions it was found that the density of contact of the cement stone with the column depends on the magnitude of the potential difference between the column and the walls of the well and its polarity. It has been established that the process of formation of cement stone in an electric field depends on the composition of the grouting mixture, mixing water, chemical treatments, and ambient temperature.

Case of cementing of well № 205 at zholamanov field with the application of light-weight cement mortar with aluminosilicate additive
In this work, we perform an analysis of local raw materials as facilitating additives to cements, analysis of data on cementing of wells, and also search for ways to reduce the cost of well cementing.
Compositions of lightweight cementing materials that meet the geological and technical conditions for well attachment have been developed, cementing of well No. 205 at the Zholamanov field has been carried out, and cementing quality has been analyzed.

Localization of oil slicks and controlled burning at spill areas
The study is devoted to the development of oil spill response methods, in particular, the method of controlled oil burning using herders under field experimental conditions, as close as possible to real ones. A previously conducted study [1] has found conditions and effectiveness of Siltech OP-40 and ThickSlick 6535 herders for Kashagan oil in artificial sea water with salinity typical for Kazakhstani sector of the Caspian Sea. Based on the results of this work, which showed the effectiveness of herders in relation to weathered Kashagan oil, a large-scale field test was conducted on the controlled burning of oil in the harbor of the North Caspian environmental base for oil spill response in the area of Damba village, Atyrau region. In a field test, 400 l of oil was spilled, the oil slick was localized and thickened using the OR-40 herder, and oil was burned with an efficiency of 95%.

Increasing operational efficiency of oil-producing companies by analyzing the cost-effectiveness of producing wells
Improving the operational efficiency of developing fields in the late stages of operation is one of the priority tasks of oil producing organizations. Optimization of field development is achieved, as one of the ways, by stopping of uneconomic production. The article discusses methods for assessing the well efficiency and achieving break-even for the uneconomic well stock through determining targets and applying an algorithm for making further decisions on uneconomic well stock. The resulting tool will improve the efficiency of field operations and get an additional economic effect from the optimization of the well stock.