
Economic efficiency due to increasing the turnaround period of operation of oil producing wells
Khairetdinov R.G., Dabissov G.E., Ishangaliyev S.V.
Investigation of impact resistance of grouting materials
Kabdushev A.A., Agzamov F.A., Manapbayev B.Z., Delikesheva D.N., Korgasbekov D.R.
Analysis of the steam-thermal treatment at the Karazhanbas field
Қozhash A.S.
Justification and prerequisites for the allocation of low-resistance reservoirs as a tool for searching for missed deposits on the example of the Surgut arch field
Nikitin I.A.
Prevention and removal of hydrate formation at the Amangeldy gas field
Daribayev Y.A., Kabdushev A.A.
The use of software to increase the TBO on the example of the wells of the frequently repaired fund of the "Zhetybaimunaygas" PM
Kanbayeva Z.S., Seitmaganbetov S.
Implementation of automated selection of downhole pumping equipment in the ABAI information system
Abdrakhmanova G.S., Danabayev N.S., Utemisova L.G.
Exploring modern methods for predicting well failures in the fields of NC «KazMunayGas» JSC
Utemisova L.G., Merembayev T.Z., Bekbau B.E.
Application of the software "ZHULDYZ". Adaptation and work with models
Kabdullova L.B., Yussubaliyev R.A., Urymbassarov R.D., Bashev A.A., Mardanov A.S.
Features of isolation and nature of low-resistivity oil-saturated reservoirs of the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Akshabulak Central field of the South Torgai oil and gas basin
Dzhumagaliyeva A.K., Nyssangaliyeva S.O., Akhmetov D.A., Sagindykov K.I., Mardanov A.S., Jaxylykov T.S., Murzagaliyeva Z.S.
An Integrated Approach to Geomechanical Modeling of the Urikhtau Oil and Gas Condensate Field to Optimize Well Design
Gabdullin A.G., Tauashev R.Z., Gubashev S.A., Kairzhanov A.Y., Izmukhanbetov A.B., Blgaliyev R.N.
Elaboration of mending additives for the cement sheath repair
Agzamov F.A., Ismagilova E.R., Beshir M.A.
Development the self-healing concept for well cement support integrity maintenance. Theory and practice
Ismagilova E.R.
The results of single well chemical tracer tests to assess the effectiveness of surfactant-polymer exposure at the Kholmogorskoye field
Bondar M.Y., Osipov A.V., Groman A.A., Koltsov I.N., Scherbakov G.Y., Chebysheva O.V.
Use of neural networks for dynamic interpretation of seismic data
Kaliyev D.T.
Automatic selection of sites for drilling candidate injection wells
Beken A.A., Ibrayev A.Y., Zhetruov Z.T., Yelemessov A.S., Zholdybayeva A.T.
The Effectiveness of the Introduction of the Water-Alternated-Gas Injection on the example of a Carbonate Field in Kazakhstan
Askarova I.A., Uteyev R.N., Mardanov A.S., Jaxylykov T.S., Junusbayeva A.U.
New Integral Neutron-Neutron Logging for Cement Integrity Analysis of any Backfilling
Polyachenko L.B., Polyachenko A.L., Egurtsov S.A., Ivanov Y.V.
Selection of the optimal polymer brand based on a complex of laboratory researches for the implementation of the polymer filling technology at the Western Siberia field
Rogova T.S., Ivina Y.E., Makarshin S.V.
Analysis of the well productivity decline in the Kashagan field
Khassanov B.K., Serniyazov Z.M.
Optimal well spacing density in channel sandstones in the case of Ozen field
Sveshnikov A.V., Kasenov A.K., Zholdybayeva A.T., Ibrayev A.Y.
Application of corrosion-resistant tubes on problematic producing wells of the Uzen field
Khassanov D., Sikhayev M.
Increasing the flooding efficiency at Karazhanbas field
Kulikov A.N., Yukui F., Kadyrov E.A., Turkov V.O.
Perspectives of non-structural traps as a tool for increasing resources and expanding hydrocarbon production
Begimbetov O.B., Kaliyev D.T., Dauletov A.B.
Selection of effective solvents against asphalteneresin-paraffin deposition in the Uzen oilfield
Mussin B.S., Tleukulova Z.K.
Increasing operational efficiency of oil-producing companies by analyzing the cost-effectiveness of producing wells
Khassanov B.K., Khairetdinov R.G., Tolebay O.S.
Optimization of drilling parameters for extended reach directional wells with an early kick-off point
Zhiyenbayev B.K., Aitkulov Y.K., Yershiev K.T., Magzumov N.M.
Efficiency of horizontal wells in fields with highly viscous oil on the example of Tengri field
Mardanov A.S., Yussubaliev R.A., Yergaliyev A.A., Rakhmetullin A.M.
Express-diagnostics of rods’ parting-twist off at wells equipped with sucker rod pump
Galeev A.S., Sabanov S.L., Suleymanov R.N., Filimonov O.V., Utemisov T.A., Zhanturin Z.K.
Analysis of the efficiency of multizone selective completion for the operation of oil producing wells at the Zhetybai field
Utemissova L.G., Tlegenov B.B., Minikayev F.M.
Influence of electric fields on the quality of well cementing
Umraliev B.T., Kenzhaliev A.F., Taskinbayev M.Z.
Approach to localization of residual recoverable reserves under conditions of high depletion on the example of Uzen field
Ibrayev А.Е., Kazhykenkyzy A., Yelemesov A.S., Nazaraly A.Z.
Analysis of the efficiency of horizontal wells operation at the field “X” of Embamunaigas JSC
Maylybayev A.S., Uteyev R.N., Jaxylykov T.S., Bektas A.A., Niyazbaeva A.B.
On the deposition of ballasts in mixtures of incompatible oils
Ismayilov G.G., Iskenderov E.K., Ismayilova F.B.
Ensuring competitiveness oil production companies in the conditions of low oil prices and market volatility by analyzing production well profitability
Khasanov B.K., Khairetdinov R.G., Samarkanov O.L.
1 - 35 of 35 Items

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