Application of corrosion-resistant tubes on problematic producing wells of the Uzen field
- Authors: Khassanov D.1, Sikhayev M.1
- Филиал ТОО «КМГ Инжиниринг» КазНИПИмунайгаз
- Issue: Vol 2, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 63-69
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 95595
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In the Uzen field, the main causes of corrosion of underground equipment are the high watercut and the presence of acidic gases (Н2S and CO2) in the produced fluid. Corrosion of tubing leads to premature shutdown of wells, accidents and, as a result, reduction of oil production. The paper discusses the nature of the corrosive environment, as well as the extent, causes and conditions of the origin of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide corrosion. Results of laboratory studies of samples of steel grade 25 ChMFA after operation are given. A new approach to the problem of corrosion is being justified by conducting a pilot-industrial test of 25 ChMFA corrosionresistant steel tubing.
About the authors
D. Khassanov
Филиал ТОО «КМГ Инжиниринг» КазНИПИмунайгаз
Author for correspondence.
инженер департамента техники и технологии добычи нефти
Kazakhstan, AktauM. Sikhayev
Филиал ТОО «КМГ Инжиниринг» КазНИПИмунайгаз
ведущий инженер департамента техники и технологии добычи нефти
Kazakhstan, AktauReferences
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