Vol 5, No 4 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://vestnik-ngo.kz/2707-4226/issue/view/5467
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.54859/kjogi.202354
Full Issue
Oil and gas field development and exploitation
About flooding of low-permeable formations
Due to the depletion of hydrocarbon reserves in traditional reservoirs with good filtration and reservoir properties, there is currently increasing interest in hard-to-recover reserves, and the main difficulty in developing such reservoirs is the efficiency of reservoir pressure maintenance systems. When developing low-permeability reservoirs, various mechanisms of oil displacement during flooding can be distinguished. For reservoirs with permeability less than 1 mD, there is no need to maintain high wellhead pressure; moreover, with a large accumulated compensation, stopping the maintenance of reservoir pressure for up to six months does not lead to a drop in production, which creates the prerequisites for organizing cyclic flooding. This will solve a number of problems that arise while maintaining reservoir pressure when working in such conditions.
The facies structure of reservoirs sometimes has a decisive influence on the performance of wells and their interinfluence. The transition to the development of fields with a complex geological structure, low filtration characteristics of the formation, the existence of geological bodies with different properties requires not only careful formation of a conceptual understanding of the field, but also the creation of detailed facies digital maps taking into account the existence of zones with different sedimentation, which, as a consequence, creates zones with different filtration and capacitance properties, requiring different approaches to development.

On approaches to solving problems when modeling polymer flooding at the Kalamkas oil field
Background: Currently, polymer flooding is one of the most effective methods for increasing reservoir recovery, accordingly and modeling this process is of particular relevance.
Aim: The purpose of hydrodynamic modeling is to predict the distribution of parameters, technological indicators, and simulate all possible development scenarios. Based on the simulation results, decisions are made on the profitability of projects.
Materials and methods: There are a number of significant problems in the process of hydrodynamic modeling, one of which is adaptation. Difficulties with adaptation are mainly associated with the incorrect determination of filtration – capacitive properties, which is directly caused by the lack of core research data. The main physical parameters that determine the filtration-capacitive properties of reservoir rocks are porosity, permeability, relative phase permeabilities, and saturation. These properties are critical for accurate fluid flow modeling and production forecasting. However, the lack of core data limits our understanding of these properties and affects the quality of model fit.
Due to the insufficient data on the oil field in this Vostok site of horizon Ю-1 of the Kalamkas field, the approved initial geological reserves differ from the reserves according to the model by approximately 20%. For a more accurate adaptation of the hydrodynamic model, the availability of current initial geological reserves is significantly insufficient.
Results: In this article, a number of approaches were applied to solve the above-mentioned problem in the hydrodynamic modeling of polymer flooding in the Kalamkas oil field, and as a result, the results obtained were demonstrated.
Conclusion: Hydrodynamic modeling allows us to conduct numerical experiments to optimize the parameters of polymer flooding, helps to study their influence and select the optimal ratio to improve the efficiency of the flooding process.

New approaches to determine the technological challenged of oil fields at the late stage of development
Background: The main problem of the process of field development in the later stages is the limitation of free funds associated with the decline in production and the corresponding decrease in the profitable part of enterprises. At the same time, the accumulated effect of critical production problems is manifested, for the solution of which in practice a significant amount of capital investments is required in different areas of field development.
The late stage of development of fields is associated with a number of problems, the main of which are the deterioration of the structure of the reserves and the slow pace of their replenishment, low withdrawal rates and high water cut, frequent failure of ground equipment, technological limitations of the production infrastructure, the quality of construction and completion of wells, a short turnaround time of production wells affecting the wells’ operation coefficient, and insufficient coverage of production processes with digitalization.
Aim: Considering the large amount of work involved in the oil production process (from geology to onshore infrastructure), an internal benchmarking analytical tool is needed to identify current and most common technological challenges, to focus scientific, technical and production personnel in a certain direction and develop a systematic approach to solving production problems. The purpose of this work is to develop such a tool
Materials and methods: As the input data, historical data on the production, hydrocarbons reserves, the current technological parameters of underground and surface equipment of 12 oil fields of the group of the NK “Kazmunaygaz” JSC companies were used. 17 basic criteria were formed in the areas of geology, development, oil production, drilling and infrastructure, which served as the basis for internal benchmarking of oil fields.
Results: As a result of this work, a tool was developed for the diagnosis of key production problems of KMG oil fields. The diagnostic chart is effective for determining zones of the spread of production problems both in one oil field and in all oil fields of KMG. This approach can be scaled to the level of oil fields and horizons.
Conclusion: The developed internal benchmarking tool serves as the basis for the annual analysis of key problems of the oil fields of the group of the NC “KazMunaygaz” JSC companies and the formation of a long -term plan to solve key production challenges.

Increasing the efficiency of bactericide use when using seawater in a reservoir pressure maintenance system
Rationale: Since 2018, at the Uzen oilfield, in order to study and control the microbiological contamination with sulfate-reducing bacteria (hereinafter referred to as SRB) of oilfield environment, full-scale bactericidal treatment and monitoring of the effectiveness of reagent use have been carried out. At the equipped control points, water samples are taken for the content of SRB cells before and after injection of the bactericide.
Target: Reduce the intensity of sulfidogenesis at the oilfield and, as a consequence, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the associated gas.
Materials and methods: Since the applied technology of injecting the bactericide in shock dosages did not allow achieving a stable reduction in the concentration of hydrogen sulfide, it was replaced by the technology of constantly injecting the bactericide into seawater at a dosage of 40 mg/l in an experimental mode. This technology showed low efficiency, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations varied between 352–379 ppm, and the monthly consumption of the reagent increased by 40%. Based on the obtained data on ineffectiveness, the constant injection of bactericide at MPS-4 was stopped and a new technology for injection of bactericide was proposed, aimed at suppressing not only planktonic, but also adherent forms of SRB.
Results: Results. Injection of the bactericide using the new technology showed significant efficiency, which was assessed by reducing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the associated gas by an average of 45% across the oilfield.
Conclusion: The proposed new technology for injecting a bactericide made it possible to effectively suppress the activity of sulfidogenic microorganisms and reduce the level of biogenic hydrogen sulfide in the oilfield.

Increasing the efficiency of the bactericide use at PS-4 of "Ozenmunaigas" JSC
Background: The study is devoted to increasing the efficiency of bactericidal treatment of sediments at the oil fields of Ozenmunaigas JSC. Calculations were carried out to assess the capability of heating the formation and the pipeline, hydraulic heat loss when injecting a bactericide, and the efficiency of mixing the reagent with water. The analysis revealed the ineffectiveness of mixing the bactericide with water at low temperatures and rates of inhibitor introduction.
Aim: The purpose of the study was to identify solutions to overcome the problems caused by the increased content of hydrogen sulfide in the fields of Ozenmunaigas JSC. This included addressing the temperature issues during bactericide delivery and increasing the rate of inhibitor injection.
Materials and methods: Heat loss calculations were carried out using the UniSim program for both tank heating and input lines, as well as an analysis of bactericide mixing inside the pipeline using the ANSYS program.
Results: The results of the study led to specific recommendations and measures that could mitigate the problems associated with temperature and rate of injection. These included measures such as heating and insulation, temperature control, regular inspection of thermal insulation, and selection of a new reagent with improved mixing properties at lower temperatures. It is also recommended to install reagent flow and temperature sensors along with power supply control.
Conclusion: The implementation of the proposed measures will effectively solve the problems associated with high levels of hydrogen sulfide. This approach will ensure a smooth and safe flow of bactericide and help maintain the operating efficiency of the affected facilities.

Petrochemistry and Oil Refining
Study of the effectiveness of using a fine wastewater treatment plant at petrochemical production enterprises
The problem of treatment and neutralization of wastewater from chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries is associated with the removing from them of suspended solid and plastic particles of pollution of various chemical natures, oil and petroleum products, heavy metals, surfactants, acids, alkalis, phenols and other harmful substances. To effectively treat water, various filters are used, which differ in parameters and characteristics. The purpose of this work is to determine the possibility of replacing cartridge filters used at PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP with easily regenerable bag filters. In the course of the research, it was found that the use of cartridge and bag filters contributes to more effective water treatment, in particular, from suspended sub- stances. When comparing them, we can say that the latter is advantageous in that it does not need to be changed when clogged, like a cartridge filter, but simply rinsed and used again in the technological chain. The bag element is quite simply washed in water, but if it is heavily clogged, it can be washed either in a solution of citric acid (20 g/l) or in an alkali solution (10 g/l).

Obtaining fuel products by combined hydrogenation of coal and shale
Background: Coal and oil shale are one of the promising types of organic raw materials that can largely compensate and replace petroleum products and gas in the future. Unlike other types of solid fossil fuels oil shales contain significant amounts of hydrogen in organic matter. The possibility of obtaining liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons from a mixture of coal and oil shale similar in composition and properties to petroleum products and natural gas allows us to consider them as important strategic resources.
Aim: This article is devoted to the study of the process of obtaining fuel products of co-hydrogenation of coal and shale.
Materials and methods: Coal from the Taldykol deposit and slate from the Kiin deposit were taken as objects of research. The process of coal and shale liquefaction was carried out on a laboratory installation at a pressure of 5 MPa and a temperature of 425°C, a reaction time of 1 h. Gas chromatographic and elemental analyses were used.
Results: The research results showed that the optimal amount of shale added to coal is 15.0%. The implementation of the co-hydrogenation process under these conditions has increased the yield of liquid products by 10%, namely fractions with a boiling point of up to 200°C from 14.9% to 15.3%, fractions with a boiling point of 200–370°C from 22.1% to 26.4%, fractions with a boiling point above 370°C from 34.6% to 38.8%. Solid residue with a boiling point above 370°C tested as an organic binder for road construction.
Conclusion: The proposed process technology also makes it possible to obtain gasoline and diesel fractions, which after appropriate hydrotreating can be used as motor fuels. The addition of oil shale to coal allows the process to be carried out under optimal conditions with a high degree of conversion into liquid products without coke formation. The degree of transformation of the mixture of organic mass of shale and coal is much higher than just coal.

Core Research
Experimental study of carbonate samples dissolution using X-ray microcomputer-based tomography
Background: The study of the interaction of hydrochloric acid with carbonate materialsis important in the oil and gas industry. Carbonate rocks are common rock types, and half of all petroleum reserves worldwide are found in carbonate deposits. Understanding the mechanisms and characteristics of dissolution of carbonate rocks is of great practical importance in the production of hydrocarbons and the injection of carbon dioxide into formations.
Aim: The purpose of this article is to study the dissolution processes of carbonate samples in laboratory conditions using X-ray microcomputer-based tomography.
Materials and methods: The study used 5 cylindrical carbonate samples, which were tested during the injection of hydrochloric acid solutions. Additional experimental and digital data from 8 samples are also used. The three-dimensional pore space of the samples was obtained using specialized software based on tomographic images.
Results: The results obtained demonstrate the significance of the use of X-ray computed tomography for a deeper understanding of dissolution processes in geological and engineering studies. The study highlighted the complexity of the rock dissolution process, which depends on many factors. The created three-dimensional models of the samples allowed us to visualize wormholes, including branched and dominant wormholes. 3D imaging provided valuable information about changes in the pore structure of the samples before and after acid exposure.
Conclusion: The results of this study highlight the importance of considering physical and structural properties when analyzing dissolution processes in carbonate samples. These data can have practical applications in the oil and gas industry, contributing to a more accurate understanding and optimization of the processes of interaction of acid solutions with carbonate samples.

Oil Research
An integrated methodological approach to substantiating the properties of high-viscosity oils using the example of the Karazhanbas oil field
Rationale: A characteristic feature of the modern stage of oil field development is the increase in the share of hard-to-recover oils, which mainly include heavy, highly viscous oils. This is due to changes in the structure of oil, an increase in the water cut of produced oil, geological and geophysical characteristics and conditions of oil occurrence that are unfavorable for extraction. The reserves of such oil significantly exceed the reserves of light and low-viscosity oil and, according to experts, they amount to at least 1 trillion tons. In industrialized countries they are considered not so much as a reserve for oil production, but as the main basis for its development in the coming years. The peculiarity of heavy oil is explained by its composition and PVT properties, which have a fairly serious impact on production.
Target: Application of an integrated approach to substantiating the properties of high-viscosity oil and tools for mathematical modeling of the phase state of fluids in order to increase the reliability of reserve calculations and the efficiency of the oil field development.
Materials and methods: The scientific work was based on the results of geochemical studies (fingerprinting and biomarker analysis), experimental data from rheological studies and the results of modeling the phase state of fluids.
Results: It is proposed to use an integrated approach to data interpretation and compositional calculations, which make it possible to narrow the range of uncertainty and explain the huge variation in the values of physicochemical parameters across samples.
Conclusion: An integrated approach to analyzing the results of PVT experiments, together with geological and field data and the results of geochemical studies, provides high-quality data that allows you to make strategic decisions on the oil field development, conduct accurate resource assessments and predict hydrocarbon production.