Digital assistant (CDNG). ABAI IS software module
- Authors: Rakhmankulova Z.1, Issin K.A.1, Osminin S.A.1
- Branch of KMG Engineering LLP "KazNIPImunaigas"
- Section: Reviews
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- DOI:
- ID: 108702
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This article presents a prototype of a multi-user software module of the ABAI information system in the form of a special mobile and web application designed to maintain communication between workers of production facilities of oil and gas production workshops (hereinafter referred to as (OGPW) and provide them with operational information about the production tasks being performed, normative and technical information, as well as for entering operational data on the state of production facilities of the OGPW.
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Digitalization, the process of connecting digital transformation with the overall strategy of an enterprise, is developing at incredible speed. Despite this, its capabilities and advantages are not fully disclosed.
Unlike industries such as media and retail, where digital technologies play a significant role, the industrial industry has not yet fully embraced digitalization.
The prospects for introducing digitalization at oil and gas enterprises are closely related to increasing the efficiency of business processes. According to statistics, today only 3-5% of oil and gas equipment in the world are equipped with integrated information technologies and less than 1% of data is used for decision making, which opens up enormous potential for oil and gas companies to optimize work processes [1].
The results of research by KMG Engineering LLP in the field of organizing and conducting maintenance work at NPO TsDNG showed the existence of significant opportunities in increasing the level of equipment reliability, the achievement of which can be achieved through organizational improvements.
One of the tools for increasing the efficiency of the NPO service process is the standardization of the actions of service personnel, when workers perform operations according to the safest and most effective algorithms.
Important aspects of effective service to NGOs are the reliability of primary information obtained directly at service facilities and the promptness of transfer of this information to participants in the process.
Specialists from KMG Engineering LLP proposed to carry out work to standardize and unify the process of daily (every shift) maintenance of NPOs, providing for the development of special checklists and standard operating cards (hereinafter referred to as SOC), as well as visualization of NPO maintenance processes.
To ensure convenient access to standards and increase the efficiency and reliability of information transmitted from NGO service facilities, it is proposed to develop special mobile and web applications. It was decided to include this work among the modules of the ABAI information system with the name of the module “Digital Assistant (CDNG)”.
The purpose of implementing the module is to reduce oil production costs and increase equipment operating efficiency due to:
reduction of oil losses due to downtime of NPO TsDNG;
reduction of costs for refurbishment of NPO TsDNG;
optimal distribution of the workload among CDNG workers.
Users of the “Digital Assistant (CDNG)” module are CDNG employees involved in the production processes of oil production and maintenance of scientific production facilities (Digital Oil Operators, repairmen, foremen, mechanics, geologists, technologists, managers of the CDNG).
Literature review
Russian oil companies have made a significant breakthrough in the use of mobile devices in the work of CDNG personnel.
Tatneft was one of the first among Russian oil companies to implement the Mobile CDNG project, which allows you to manage the production process without being tied to your workplace 24/7.
According to the developers, the final result of the project will be an increase in the efficiency of oil and gas production workshops, as well as significant savings in operating costs.
The project was preceded by the introduction of an automated workstation (AWS) for the CDNG operator in 2015. Previously, all data from objects was transferred to the dispatcher. Through it, operators sent requests to service departments. All this took a lot of time, efficiency was lost, and there was a risk of errors when transmitting information. Now the operator independently receives information on a smartphone in real time from each of the objects he serves, transfers it to ARMITS (automated workstation of engineering and technological service) and, if necessary, forms a request to the service organization. Dispatching is a thing of the past, and operators have the opportunity to perform their functions without being tied to a stationary workplace.
Later, mobile workstations for geologists and technologists with remote access were also created. As a result, most participants in the production process switched to mobile work mode.
Taking into account the existing experience in creating mobile workstations of various specialists, it was decided to create a shop management system without reference to workplaces [2].
The Russian oil company Lukoil also successfully uses a similar Mobile Crawler application in its work. The essence of the project is to change approaches to information collection. What oil producers previously recorded on paper during well inspections is now recorded in a smartphone app in real time. In addition, the application is also used to record the operator’s route through facilities, take air samples, maintain equipment, and monitor contractors. On an ongoing basis, the authors of the application analyze its use and expand its capabilities [3].
Main part
To achieve the goals of the “Digital Assistant (CDNG)” module, it is necessary to solve a number of problems related to standardization and unification of the process of daily (every shift) servicing of NGOs. To solve these problems, the project provides for the development of checklists and SOC.
The main purpose of the checklist is to provide the employee with information in an accessible form necessary for the error-free execution of all control and maintenance operations, and to identify deviations from the normal technical condition of the scientific production facility at an early stage.
Key elements of the daily maintenance checklist (Figure 1):
step-by-step instructions with illustrations and descriptions of the criteria for the normal state of NPO nodes;
indication of the optimal time to complete the operation;
information about the responsible executor;
field to confirm the completion of the control operation and compliance of the NPO with the normal state.
The main purpose of the SOC is to provide accessible information on the safest and most rational procedure for performing operations in the required volume and proper quality.
Key elements of RNS (Figure 2):
safe and rational step-by-step order of operations;
information on the use of necessary tools, devices and personal protective equipment;
information about the duration of operations performed;
illustrations of the most important points in the operations and control of the state of the NPO.
As an additional option, instructional videos with voice-over comments and subtitles are developed for the most frequently performed operations.
The next task of the project is to provide employees with convenient access to the developed equipment maintenance standards. To do this, standards (checklists, SOC) must be integrated into the ABAI information system, and access to the standards is provided through special mobile and web applications “Digital Assistant (CDNG)”.
Below is a conceptual description of the functionality of the “Digital Assistant (CDNG)” module, which also solves the third problem - the prompt exchange of reliable information about the state of NGOs.
1. The functionality of the software for mobile devices (smartphone, tablet) allows a CDNG employee to:
receive all the information necessary to perform daily work operations, including parameters of service objects, necessary instructions and documents;
transfer parameters measured at objects directly to the information system;
transmit information about deviations identified during the maintenance of NGOs directly to the information system.
2. The functionality of the web version of the software consists of: admin panel; dashboard (Dashboard, control panel) of a specialist from the central engineering and technical service (hereinafter referred to as CITS); manager's dashboard. This functionality allows the management of TsDNG and NGDU:
monitor the status of fulfillment of tasks for servicing NGOs;
monitor the performance indicators of the unit;
carry out safety control of work on servicing NGOs.
2.1. The admin panel is a tool for adding new and deleting old directories and editing module content.
2.1.1. The administrator panel (Figure 5) contains the following directories:
List of users;
List of groups;
List of oilfield equipment maintenance checklists;
List of standard operating cards;
List of detour routes;
List of personal protective equipment;
List of tools and materials.
2.1.2. Each of the directories can be exported to pdf, Excel, Word files.
2.1.3. The system has the ability to contextual search.
2.2. The dashboard of a CITS specialist is a tool for visualizing and managing the process of performing tasks for servicing NGOs.
2.2.1. The dashboard of a CITS specialist (Figure 6) consists of a set of customizable widgets:
Fulfillment of requests – visualizes the status of fulfillment of requests for equipment maintenance received from workers when deviations from the normal state are identified during shift maintenance;
Oil losses – visualizes the volume of oil losses arising as a result of downtime of wells and oil production facilities awaiting maintenance;
Task board – visualizes tasks in the form of a Kanban board, broken down into tasks in statuses: “Waiting”, “In Progress”, “Completed”. The task board can be displayed overall or broken down by areas of oilfield equipment maintenance (performers).
2.2.2. The status of the task changes automatically when information is received from performers directly in the system, or is changed manually by a CITS specialist.
When you click on a task, a task card is displayed (Figure 7), which contains:
unique task identifier;
name, type and number of the service object;
name of the identified deviation;
comments and/or photo/video reports;
information about the initiator (the User who placed the tasks in the system);
task completion status;
date and time of application submission;
oil losses accumulated at the time of viewing the card from the moment the equipment was stopped;
performer - the department or service responsible for completing the task - can be determined automatically by the initiator when placing the task in the system, by a CITS specialist (the list of performers must be synchronized with the software used at the enterprise for organizing technical maintenance and repair of equipment (MRO) );
completed work – to be filled in by the contractor;
field for text comment.
2.2.3. The dashboard is generated depending on the level of detail selected by the User: subsidiaries and affiliates / production management / NGDU / GU.
2.3. The manager's dashboard is a visualization tool for the process of completing a shift task for heads of workshops and departments.
2.3.1. The manager's dashboard (Figure 8) consists of a set of customizable widgets:
Execution of a shift task – is formed on the basis of information received from users using the mobile application;
Oil losses – visualizes the volume of oil losses arising as a result of downtime of wells and oil production facilities awaiting maintenance;
Notifications – displays events that occur during users’ use of the mobile application (detected deviations, completed work, etc.). The widget must be able to filter the events displayed;
Interactive map – displays service facilities and their status.
2.3.2. When you hover the cursor over a service object, its main parameters are displayed.
The described functionality is not final and will be changed and supplemented during the implementation of the project, adapting to the needs of the end user.
Conclusions or further prospects for the study
The main task of the “Digital Assistant (CDNG)” module is to facilitate the work of CDNG employees, which means its development and implementation should be carried out in close cooperation with potential users of the system.
When developing a module, it is necessary to understand the needs of users: what information is needed in the work, where this information is generated, and in what form it is needed by the end user.
Having analyzed all the information flows that arise during the maintenance of NPO TsDNG, it will be possible to optimize them using the proposed module.
The use of the “Digital Assistant (CDNG)” module will allow you to obtain the following benefits that can be realized for other production business processes:
minimize risks of reliability, loss and storage of data;
increase labor productivity by analyzing working time, identifying and eliminating losses (non-productive time), replicating best practices through process standardization;
ensure optimal distribution of the load on service personnel;
increase convenience and ensure mobility when performing work;
provide on-the-job training opportunities using visualized standards and video instructions;
transfer various data to employees directly from the place of operations, including, but not limited to, photographs, videos, readings of control and measuring instruments, as well as information about the employee’s state of health;
promptly receive the necessary information: parameters of objects, instructions for operation and maintenance of equipment;
increase discipline in the field of compliance with industrial safety and labor protection requirements.
The above benefits will improve the efficiency of the maintenance process of NPO TsDNG, which, accordingly, will lead to a reduction in oil production costs and an increase in the equipment operating ratio.
In the future, as part of the digital transformation of NGDU, it is proposed to replicate this project to other divisions of subsidiaries and dependent organizations of JSC NC KazMunayGas.
About the authors
Zauresh Rakhmankulova
Branch of KMG Engineering LLP "KazNIPImunaigas"
Author for correspondence.
Head of the element-estimate standardization service
Kairat Amentayevich Issin
Sergey Anatolyevich Osminin
Branch of KMG Engineering LLP "KazNIPImunaigas"
Head of the elemental estimate standardization service
Kazakhstan, 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana, st. Konaeva 8, office 2507.
Supplementary files