Component composition of dissolved organic compounds of sewage water of uzen’ oilfield

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The composition of extracts of volatile dissolved organic compounds of the wastewater of the Ozen oilfield was studied by chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). It has been established that the main components are hydrocarbons. It should be noted the presence in the water of benzyl chloride (benzene chloride) -1.3%, the content of which is strictly regulated in oil. A low content of organic acids (palmitic acid) is observed. It should also be noted the presence of tertiary N, N-dimethyldodecanamine (C-12) upto 2.3% and N, N-dimethyltridecanamine (C-13), which are components of corrosion inhibitors. The presence of xylene, mesitylene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene and 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene indicates the possible use of the demulsifier type Tretolite. A significant amount of squalene, which is a natural biomarker of oils has also been discovered.

About the authors

Yerlan Melsuly Suleimen

LLP "KMG Engineering"; Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Chemistry, Expert of the Department of Engineering Design, Director of the Institute of Applied Chemistry

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan; Nur-Sultan

Renatzhan U. Sabirov

LLP "KMG Engineering"


Leading Engineer of the Engineering Design Department

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Marziya R. Sisenbaeva

LLP "KMG Engineering"

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Abilseit D, Talipbekov

LLP "KMG Engineering"


Director of the Engineering Design Department

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan


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Copyright (c) 2020 Suleimen Y.M., Sabirov R.U., Sisenbaeva M.R., Talipbekov A.D.

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