Methodological approaches to justification of reservoir oil properties for estimation of reserves

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Traditional approaches for justification the properties of reservoir oil, used in calculating reserves often lead to errors in estimation of reserves and the impossibility of high-quality modeling and forecasts of hydrocarbon production.
The article gives examples where the method of averaging the properties of reservoir oil has led to errors in estimating the reserves of reservoir oil and dissolved gas. To qualitatively substantiate the properties of reservoir oil, methods based on physical parameter correlations should be used. Article also provides criteria for dividing the fluid into regions, which must be taken into account when analyzing the data, as well as tools for checking the quality of the received parameters.

About the authors

P. A. Guzhikov

DeGolyer & MacNaughton

Author for correspondence.


Kazakhstan, г. Нур-Султан

K. M. Kunzharikova

ТОО «КМГ Инжиниринг»


начальник отдела исследований пластовых флюидов

Kazakhstan, г. Нур-Султан

Y. Y. Uteubayeva

ТОО «КМГ Инжиниринг»


инженер отдела исследований пластовых флюидов

Kazakhstan, г. Нур-Султан


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  2. Гороян В.И. Изучение процессов разгазирования нефти. – М., Гостоптехиздат, 1963.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Guzhikov P.A., Kunzharikova K.M., Uteubayeva Y.Y.

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