Comprehensive analysis for appraisal of oil and gas potential in the pre-jurassic part of the Ozen-Karamandybas field
- Authors: Mankenov K.K.1
- ТОО «КМГ Инжиниринг»
- Issue: Vol 2, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 36-41
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 95590
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Questions about the prospects for the oil and gas potential of the Paleozoic sediments of the Mangyshlak sedimentary basin remain open to this day, despite a long history of study and large volumes of research. This is primarily due to the imperfection of previously used prospecting and exploration technologies and the sufficiency of the discovered reserves of discovered deposits in the Mesozoic part of the section. Given the current situation of natural depletion of reserves in the Mesozoic sediments, there is a need to set up prospecting and exploration work in the deep horizons of the Paleozoic.
The article provides general information about the study of the region, and on the basis of the proven facts of oil and gas content of individual areas and the latest drilling results obtained, raised the question of the oil and gas potential of pre-Jurassic deposits.
About the authors
K. K. Mankenov
ТОО «КМГ Инжиниринг»
Author for correspondence.
Kazakhstan, Nur-SultanReferences
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