Geological structure and modeling carbonate reservoirs of kt-ii of theKozhasay field(the esatern edge of pricaspian basin
- Authors: Zhanserkeeva A.A.1
- LLP "KMG Engineering
- Issue: Vol 2, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 33-42
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 95574
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In the present work the major results of integrating data from Kozhasay field for 3D geological modeling had been described (regional geological data, exploration and production drilling results, core and cuttings data, 3D seismic data interpretation results, borehole images). The entire borehole imaging data were revised and used for fracture modeling. The hybrid fracture model was generated (discret and implicit fractures). The Kozhasay field had been under production since 2003 and it has produced 4 % of the STOIIP as for 01.01.2019. Theintegrated geological model of KT-II carbonate reservoirs was used to create hydrodynamic model of the field.
About the authors
Ainura A. Zhanserkeeva
LLP "KMG Engineering
Author for correspondence.
Deputy Director of the Department of
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