Obtaining lightweighted cementing materials from local raw materials for cementing wells in corrosion-active environment

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The study is devoted to the analysis of the current conditions for cementing of deepwells in Western Kazakhstan and the development of the theoretical foundations for obtaining lightweight corrosion-resistant cementing materials using local raw materials.

This paper presents the theoretical justification for reducing the density of grouting materials and increasing the corrosion resistance of the resulting grouting mortars and stone with the addition of natural carbonate materials for the presence of acidic aggressive components (hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide) in the formation fluids. To obtain a homogeneous dense structure of cement stone, disintegration technology is justified.

During the research, both standard and special methods were used to study the properties of grouting materials in a corrosive environment. Processing of experimental data and planning of the experiment was carried out using methods of mathematical statistics.

About the authors

Baurzhan T. Umraliev

LLP "KMG Engineering"

Author for correspondence.
Email: b.umralliyev@niikmg.kz

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Drilling Technology Department

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Farit A. Agzamov

Ufa State Petroleum Technical University

Email: faritag@yandex.ru

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Kazakhstan, Ufa

Malik Z. Taskinbaev

LLP "KMG Engineering"

Email: M.Taskinbayev@niikmg.kz

Drilling Technology Director

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan

Aydyngali K. Seitov

LLP "KMG Engineering"

Email: a.seitov@niikmg.kz

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Researcher, Drilling Technology Department

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2020 Umraliev B.T., Agzamov F.A., Taskinbaev M.Z., Seitov A.K.

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