Key challenges of the oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan in the transition to a green economy
- Authors: Seksenbay M.Z.1, Mukhamejanuly S.2
- Dulaty University
- Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport LLP
- Issue: Vol 6, No 2 (2024)
- Pages: 99-108
- Section: Green economy
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 108693
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Background: The world’s population is currently experiencing a daily decline in mineral resources, aggravating environmental problems and energy deficit, and economic and social instability . The rising number of consumers and the wasteful use of natural resources are two factors contributing to these processes. One strategy to prevent these issues is to find alternative and renewable energy sources and efficiently use resources—the so-called "green economy" transition.
Aim: The aim is to identify the prerequisites for the nation to become one of the developed nations of the world by 2050 by implementing the "green economy" concept and guaranteeing the systematic development of economic, social, and political values of Kazakhstan.
Materials and methods: The research was conducted using generalisation and analysing data from countries implementing the "green economy" programme. The application of general scientific research methods within the framework of a comparative, logical, and static analysis of the Republic of Kazakhstan's "green economy" concept served as the foundation for solving the assigned tasks.
Results: According to the study, the application of the "green economy" concept—which aims to improve living conditions for the populace through the utilising technologies based on the economical consumption of natural resources and the efficient and rational use of renewable energy resources—is unquestionably necessary in order to meet the basic prerequisites.
Conclusion: The introduction of renewable energy sources will improve the energy efficiency of the economy and enable it to move to low-carbon technologies. The transition to a green economy will allow Kazakhstan to avoid the environmental crisis that has already affected many countries.
About the authors
Mukhamedzhan Z. Seksenbay
Dulaty University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6977-9169
Cand. Sc. (Engineering)
Kazakhstan, TarazSabit Mukhamejanuly
Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport LLP
Cand. Sc. (Engineering)
Kazakhstan, AstanaReferences
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