
Analysis of the steam-thermal treatment at the Karazhanbas field
Қozhash A.S.
Estimation of the efficiency of the cyclic steam simulation with high viscosity oil wells based on the hydrodynamic model of the East Moldabek deposit, Kenbai field
Zholdybayeva A.T., Shishkin V.V., Khazhitov V.Z., Niyazbayeva A.B., Sidorov D.A., Kurmankulov A.T.
An integrated methodological approach to substantiating the properties of high-viscosity oils using the example of the Karazhanbas oil field
Uteev R.N., Kunzharikova K.M., Bisikenova L.M., Bektas G.Z.
Justification for application of in-situ combustion method at high-viscosity oil fields
Tokarev V.I., Akhmet A.A., Garifov A.K.
Study of the rheological characteristics of high-viscosity oil from Mangyshlak
Sayenko O.B., Serkebayeva B.S., Ayapbergenov Y.O.
Development of a compositional reservoir simulator for chemical enhanced oil recovery processes
Bekbauov B.E., Temirkas M.M., Kuchikov A.G.
Effective EOR methods in high-viscosity oil fields: cyclical GEL-polymer flooding and ASP flooding
Safarov F.E., Lobanova S.Y., Yelubaev B.Y., Talamanov N.E., Zhijian S., Ismagilov T.A., Telin A.G.
Evaluation of the applicability of cyclic steam stimulation method at cretaceous deposits of Kenbai field
Shakenuly M., Zhiyengaliyev B.Y., Kustanov M.S., Garifov A.K., Dauletov A.S.
High-viscosity oil properties of the East Moldabek field
Hasanov B.K., Guzhikov P.A., Kunzharikova K.M., Dukesov N.K., Kokymbaeva G.Z.
1 - 9 of 9 Items

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