Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://vestnik-ngo.kz/2707-4226/issue/view/4361
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.54859/kjogi.202131
Full Issue
Deep oil. Offshore deposits of the Gulf of Mexico
This article continues a series of reviews of the world’s oil and gas basins, where active exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits in superdeep (6 km +) horizons are taking place, as probable analogues of projects in the Caspian megabasin, primarily the Eurasia project. In this regard the Gulf of Mexico is of great interest, since this region is very well studies over such a long history of its development and thus makes it possible to analyze a huge amount of data collected during this time.
The Gulf of Mexico includes the deep-water, offshore and coastal parts of three countries – the United States, Mexico and Cuba, and is one of the most important oil and gas provinces in the world. Its deposits are represented by various complexes – from the Middle Jurassic to modern sediments, with a total thickness of 14,000 m and more. Exploration for hydrocarbons has been going on here for almost 100 years. During this time, various new technologies have been developed and successfully applied, such as forecasting abnormally high reservoir pressure, cyclostratigraphy and seismic facies analysis, characterization of low-resistivity productive reservoirs and the search for ultra-deep hydrocarbon deposits.
Of all the variety of objects developed in the Gulf, in the context of the study of deep deposits, the main interest and possible associations with the Caspian megabasin are the deposits of the Norflet Formation of the Upper Jurassic, which are discussed in the main part of this article. Of course, we are not talking about a direct comparison; in particular, the aeolian origin of part of the section makes this object significantly different. Nevertheless, according to the authors, studying it, as well as understanding how a successful project for its development is being implemented right before our eyes, can provide a lot of important information for working in the deep horizons of the Caspian region.
The article is divided into two parts. The first examines the geological history of the formation of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, the features of the deep-lying productive complex of the Norflet Formation. The second part provides information about the history of exploration of the Norflet productive complex, characteristics of the main discoveries, as well as the prospects for discoveries of new superdeep deposits in the Norflet Formation within the Gulf of Mexico (sectors of the United States and Mexico). Analysis of the history of the development of this complex by the global «player» – Shell, is very important, as one of the scenarios for the development of deep horizons in other oil and gas basins, incl. Caspian. International Oil Companies are able to mobilize the necessary resources and technology to effectively address this challenge.

The importance of selecting the correct mapping methods for fractured carvernous reservoirs in complex carbonate sediments
In this article, the author attempted to draw attention to finding and identifying structurally complex reservoir zones in mature carbonate fields, where fractures are of paramount importance. The development of fractured reservoirs of carbonate fields is one of the main areas for boosting production, and most of the significant discoveries took place in described areas. According to the latest calculations, more than 60% of oil reserves and 30% of gas are concentrated in carbonate sediments.
Adapting new technologies and transforming the prospecting paradigm makes it achievable to identify fundamentally new areas of research and give an entirely new level of understanding of the geological structure and reservoir properties of «mature» fields with structurally complex reservoirs. The probability that many of them contain prospects is very high, prospecting and developing these areas that can give them a second life and ensure profitable production.

The experience of implementation of polymer flooding technology at Zaburunye oil filed as a method for developing mature fields
In the conditions of high depletion of oil fields and unstable oil prices, the methods for enhancing oil recovery are becoming especially relevant, the use of which contributes to an increase of the oil recovery factor in addition to the use of the secondary oil recovery methods. One of the technologies, allowing the ORF to be enhanced, is polymer water flooding, the distinct advantages of which include a wide range of application and design variability upon implementation.
This paper presents the results of applying the polymer water flooding technology at the Zuburunye field. With the purpose of determining the strategy for the further implementation of the polymer water flooding technology, and finding the optimal forecast options for the field development, calculations have been carried out on a constructed hydrodynamic model.

Construction of a 3d geomechanical model and its influence on the dynamic indicators of a carbonate reservoir model
The article presents the process and results of constructing a three-dimensional geomechanical model of an oil field located in the eastern edge of the Caspian basin. Oil and gas content is established in carbonate deposits of the Lower and Middle Carboniferous. The model was based on well log data, one-dimensional geomechanical models and a 3D geological model. The result of geomechanical modeling is the obtained property of additional permeability of the critically loaded discrete fracture network, which was later used in the history match of the hydrodynamic model. In addition to the fracture property, a series of conductive faults were also identified during the history match.
When carrying out geomechanical modeling, international experience was taken into account in the calculation of critically loaded fractures and their relationship with the intervals of inflow and loss in carbonate reservoirs. The updated hydrodynamic model, taking into account the geomechanical model, significantly improved the convergence of the model and historical indicators of bottomhole pressures.

High-viscosity oil properties of the East Moldabek field
Large reserves of hard-to-recover oil belong to the category of high-viscosity, heavy oils. Despite the shallow depth of occurrence, there are technological difficulties in extracting these fluids to the surface. The properties of reservoir oil, which directly affect the oil recovery factor, have a key role for the production technology. The article considers an example of analysis and substantiation of the properties of high-viscosity oil from the chalk reservoir of the East Moldabek field.

Analysis of the efficiency of multizone selective completion for the operation of oil producing wells at the Zhetybai field
The article discusses the multizone selective completion for the operation of oil producing wells and shows its positive and negative aspects.
The authors were given the task of assessing the application of the technology of the multizone selective completion for the operation of oil producing wells at the Zhetybai field. The authors reviewed candidate well for application the multizone selective completion and concluded that the proposed project of multizone selective completion for the operation of oil producing wells is economically attractive due to additional oil production and a low payback period. Thy also assessed the prospects of implementation, in terms of the number of required installations and additional oil production.

Improvement of quality of recirculated water supply of oil refineries
The relevance of this work is associated with the need to reduce the volume of water used by returning it to the start of the technological process. Thus, the work aims to improve the quality of the recycled water supply to petrochemical and oil refineries, in particular “Atyrau Refinery” LLP. This article provides data on purification of blowdown water by reverse osmosis method. A pilot reverse osmosis unit with a capacity of 600 l / h has been manufactured and a technological scheme for purification to standards that meet the requirements of make-up water has been developed, as well as a technical task for the design of industrial recycling water supply systems and appropriate recommendations have been provided.

Ensuring competitiveness oil production companies in the conditions of low oil prices and market volatility by analyzing production well profitability
The article proposes a methodology for the development of flexible management decisions based on technical and economic assessment of the efficiency of operation of each production well. This method of managing production costs makes it possible to avoid the occurrence of cash gaps during the period of low prices for hydrocarbon resources and to facilitate the implementation of both the investment and production programs of the company.

New challenges in oil education
The article discusses the main trends in the development of universities in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The author emphasizes that in the changed conditions require a new philosophy of learning and different approaches. The article presents a case of adaptation to these conditions of Safi Utebaev Atyrau Oil and Gas University. Project management used by the leadership of the university in their practice passes the effectiveness test.