
Clays as indicators of paleoclimate and source rocks in The Chu-Sarysu Basin (Kazakhstan)
Munara A., Cathelineau ‪., Carpentier C., Abylay N.
Structural features of the Kungur salt-bearing formation and salt tectonics in the South-East of North Caspian Basin
Ibrashev K.N., Akhmetzhanov A.Z., Zhemchuzhnikov V.G., Akhmetzhanova G.A., Uvakova S.K., Galiyev N.R.
Economic efficiency due to increasing the turnaround period of operation of oil producing wells
Khairetdinov R.G., Dabissov G.E., Ishangaliyev S.V.
Identification of prospective oil-bearing areas in the peripheral parts of productive horizons U-12 and U-13 of the Zhetybai field
Assylbayeva A.O., Karamurzayeva A.B.
Selection of effective solvents against asphalteneresin-paraffin deposition in the Uzen oilfield
Mussin B.S., Tleukulova Z.K.
Possible ways to detect non-structural traps in the Central part of the Caspian sea
Imangaliuly I.
Features of the structural and tectonic development of the Alakol region in connection with the prospect of its oil and gas potential
Sanatbekov M.E.
Comprehensive analysis for appraisal of oil and gas potential in the pre-jurassic part of the Ozen-Karamandybas field
Mankenov K.K.
Analysis of the well productivity decline in the Kashagan field
Khassanov B.K., Serniyazov Z.M.
Experience of application of multistage hydraulic fracturing technology in a cased vertical well
Asanov K.B.
Selection of the optimal polymer brand based on a complex of laboratory researches for the implementation of the polymer filling technology at the Western Siberia field
Rogova T.S., Ivina Y.E., Makarshin S.V.
Isolation of reservoirs and assessment of saturation in cases of water encroachment
Shilanov N.S., Tleuzhanov A.Z.
Deep oil
Iskaziyev K.O., Syngayevski P.E., Khafizov S.F.
Lithology and hydrocarbon potential of the paleozoic sediments of the North Caspian uplift (northern part of the Caspian sea, Kazakhstan)
Pronin A.P., Shestoperova L.V., Pronin N.A.
Oil and gas potential of paleozoic deposits of the eastern flank of the Caspian basin
Abilkhassimov K.B.
Asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits of the western kazakhstan and compositions for their removal
Boyko G.I., Lyubchenko N.P., Aitkaliyeva G.S., Sarmurzina R.G., Karabalin U.S., Tiesov D.S., Bukaeva G.A.
1 - 16 of 16 Items

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