
Issue Title File
Vol 6, No 4 (2024) Features of isolation and nature of low-resistivity oil-saturated reservoirs of the Middle Jurassic deposits of the Akshabulak Central field of the South Torgai oil and gas basin PDF
Dzhumagaliyeva A.K., Nyssangaliyeva S.O., Akhmetov D.A., Sagindykov K.I., Mardanov A.S., Jaxylykov T.S., Murzagaliyeva Z.S.
Vol 6, No 4 (2024) Permian evaporites strata of the World: a brief review of possible analogs of the Kungurian sediments of the Pre-Caspian mega-basin PDF
Syngaevsky P.E., Khafizov S.F.
Vol 6, No 3 (2024) Identification of prospective oil-bearing areas in the peripheral parts of productive horizons U-12 and U-13 of the Zhetybai field PDF
Assylbayeva A.O., Karamurzayeva A.B.
Vol 6, No 3 (2024) Formation and Preservation conditions of ultra-deep (>6000 m) hydrocarbon systems PDF
Khafizov S.F., Kuandykov B.M., Syngaevsky P.E.
Vol 6, No 2 (2024) Clustering of lithotypes based on visual features of cores using convolutional neural networks and K-Means PDF
Abdimanap G.S., Bostanbekov K.A., Alimova A.N., Saliev N.B., Nurseitov D.B.
Vol 6, No 2 (2024) Structural features of the Kungur salt-bearing formation and salt tectonics in the South-East of North Caspian Basin PDF
Ibrashev K.N., Akhmetzhanov A.Z., Zhemchuzhnikov V.G., Akhmetzhanova G.A., Uvakova S.K., Galiyev N.R.
Vol 6, No 1 (2024) Calculation of the characteristics of rock samples based on their images using deep machine learning algorithms PDF
Assilbekov B.K., Kalzhanov N.E., Bekbau B.E., Bolysbek D.A.
Vol 6, No 1 (2024) Specifics of the Geological Structure of the Alakol Basin and the Choice of Drilling Well Design PDF
Chaklikov A.Y., Korobkin V.V., Ismailov A.A., Buslov M.M., Tulemissova Z.S.
Vol 6, No 1 (2024) Geological structure and petroleum systems of the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea South Mangyshlak sedimentary basin PDF
Nurabayev N.D.
Vol 5, No 2 (2023) Study of the pore structure and calculation of macroscopic characteristics of rocks based on X-ray microcomputed tomography images PDF
Bolysbek D.A., Kulzhabekov A.B., Bekbau B.Y., Uzbekaliyev K.S.
Vol 5, No 2 (2023) Overview of seismic stratigraphic referencing methods in conditions of limited or substandard set of initial well data PDF
Sanatova Z.A., Kaliyev D.T.
Vol 5, No 1 (2023) Clays as indicators of paleoclimate and source rocks in The Chu-Sarysu Basin (Kazakhstan) PDF
Munara A., Cathelineau ‪., Carpentier C., Abylay N.
Vol 5, No 1 (2023) Facies control of the reservoir properties distribution in the carbonate rocks of epicontinental platforms PDF
Khalelova A.B.
Vol 4, No 4 (2022) Optimal number of Monte-Carlo simulations for hydrocarbon resources probabilistic estimation PDF
Sadykov R.M.
Vol 4, No 4 (2022) Peculiarities of identifying reservoirs with high radioactivity according to well logging data PDF
Zhamalidenova G.T., Jumagalieva A.K.
Vol 4, No 4 (2022) Prospects of the oil and gas potential of the pre-Jurassic deposits of Southern Mangistau, the direction of further prospecting and exploration, and some issues of the methodology of their implementation PDF
Boranbayev K.K., Boranbayev A.K.
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